
Pathophysiology of Hydrocephalus

Hydrocephalus is a condition wherein there is an interruption to the normal flow, absorption, and production of the brain's CSF (Cerebr...

Hyperthermia related to - Tetanus

thumbnail Nursing Diagnosis for Tetanus : Hyperthermia related to efeks toxin (bacteremia) Hyperthermia Definition: The body temperature rises above ...

Risk for Injury related to Dementia

Dementia can be defined as cognitive and memory impairment that can affect daily activities. People with dementia often show some disruption...

Nursing Diagnosis for Dementia NANDA

thumbnail Dementia is a medical condition that affects the brain. It is more common in older people, starting at about the age of sixty years and over...

Nanda Nursing Diagnosis - Risk for Self-Mutilation and Other related to Auditory Hallucinations

thumbnail Nanda Nursing Diagnosis Risk for Self-Mutilation and Other related to Auditory Hallucinations General Objectives : The client does not injur...

Ineffective Cerebral Tissue Perfusion Nursing Care Plan for Hydrocephalus

thumbnail Hydrocephalus Hydrocephalus is a condition wherein there is an interruption to the normal flow, absorption, and production of the brain...